Firstly, I wanted to apologise for the lack of activity on my blog over the past month. From starting a new job, to struggling with the up-coming end of my University module, I have had little to no time to blog! I've hated being so busy when the weather has been gorgeous! There is nothing I would rather do than read a good novel in the sun, with the view of our blossom tree blooming in the garden. Yet, as I have an end-of-module assignment due in little over 3 weeks, any moment where I can catch the sun is welcomed. I just hope this beautiful weather is giving us a snapshot of what we should expect from summer this year.
With the start of spring well and truly here, I felt it was important to take onboard the motto "Out with the old. In with the new" in all aspects of my life. Firstly, I did this by succeeding in getting a new job!
Having applied for an interview at the beginning of the year, I never thought my anxiety would have allowed me to complete a 4 hour training session and actually go through with beginning a new job - a scary experience for anybody, even without the added stress of anxiety. But once again, with the support from family and friends, I proved to myself that I can conquer anything I put my mind to. It hasn't been easy and I have spent several mornings physically being sick before heading out the house for work, but I finally feel comfortable in my amazing work place with my brilliant colleagues who are all so supportive. I still have moments in my new job where my anxiety takes over and I wonder why I pushed myself, causing so much extra stress. However, I know the benefits of going to work and pushing myself far outweigh the stressful moments. As each day I push myself, I know I am beating my anxiety and getting stronger overall in my mental state. I have managed to achieve something I never thought possible, even 6 months ago - working and feeling like an "ordinary" 19-year old. I feel with the start of spring, I am finally on my road to becoming more settled in my mental health, with more good days than bad days, after 6 years of struggling with crippling anxiety and panic attacks. Who wouldn't feel more settled when your work place looks like this?!!?!?

With Spring and "new beginnings" came the chance to start afresh and begin spending more time with my family, something that I didn't feel well enough to do before. I love my weekly lunch dates and coffee mornings with my Mum, a chance when the two of us can sit down and enjoy each others company without the stresses of every-day life ruining communication between us. Over the past 6 years, she has been my absolute rock, and continues to take everything I throw at her on my worst days. I wouldn't have got to the position I am in at the moment, being able to enjoy lunch dates and quality time, without her continuing support. Now, I look forward every week to our coffee sessions!

After watching a poignant video by Carli Bybel on clothes recycling and the importance of helping our planet, I felt inspired and influenced by the meaning of spring, to de-clutter my bedroom cupboards, wardrobes and dresser...to make space for the new of course!! Anybody who hasn't watched the video I'm commenting on, please find the link here. It really put me into the spirit of rummaging through my wardrobe and removing the clothes that perhaps don't fit, that I haven't worn in forever, or I just didn't really like in the first place when I purchased. I also felt having a de-cluttering session really helped clear my mind and not just wardrobe space. I used it as the chance to re-organised my room and make my space more me-friendly in order to create a perfect study-come-relaxing room which I love being in, whilst doing some good for the planet and recycling my unwanted items.
My overall message in this post is to think about what things in your life you wish to change and instead of whinging about it, MAKE the changes and improve your lives.
Hannah x
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