With the start of spring well and truly here, I felt it was important to take onboard the motto "Out with the old. In with the new" in all aspects of my life. Firstly, I did this by succeeding in getting a new job!

My overall message in this post is to think about what things in your life you wish to change and instead of whinging about it, MAKE the changes and improve your lives.
Hannah x
Breaking the Stereotype
Being a student with The Open University entails masses
of work behind the scenes which people tend not to realise, and although I had
thoroughly investigated this beforehand, it definitely took me by complete
I have had conversations with several people regarding my
decision to become a member of The Open University, especially when I first
came upon the decision during the end of my Sixth Form life. Many of my friends
were planning on attending “brick” universities – I was over the moon for them,
but this just wasn’t the pathway I wanted for my life and my career. As a
matter of fact, I didn’t actually know what I wanted until I began my studies
in October 2015. Some may say at nearly 19 years of age, this is rather late in
your academic life to begin thinking about possible career paths, and it wasn’t
as though I hadn’t thought about them, in comparison to, I hadn’t decided on
which path was most suited to me.
It blew me away, the amount of people who made comments such
as, “Do you get a real degree?” “But this is only a practice run for Uni, isn’t
it?” “Surely that is so much easier than a ‘normal’ university?” Before I begin
to answer these questions, I think it’s important to define what a ‘normal’
university actually is. Trust me, you will get many responses to this. You can
use the Dictionaries definition of a University:
“an institution of
higher learning providing facilities for teaching and research and authorized
to grant academic degrees; specifically : one made up of an undergraduate division which
confers bachelor's degrees and a graduate division which comprises a graduate
school and professional schools each of which may confer master's degrees and
- Enables you to gain a degree through study and research
- Enriches your knowledge and understanding
- Broadens your capabilities
- Something that makes you more aware of the society around you
- A place of diversity, which is challenging and rewarding
Honestly, I can’t imagine a university, better equipped than
The Open University to fulfil my definitions. If this is the case however, then
why do I (and many other OU students), still get plagued with the same
questions regarding its authenticity as a place of higher education?
The answer is simple: STEROTYPES.
Before I had established an opinion or an understanding of
what The Open University entails, I sat on this high-horse of judgement,
creating a personal stereotype about how this type of distance-learning works. It’s
bound to be easier right? WRONG. Now-a-days, I think it’s wrong to assume that
the only way to carve a successful career for yourself is in the shape of these
“brick” universities who have specialised tutors, guidance in the form of
lectures and end-of-year examinations. Not forgetting the prestigious status of
being a member of “The University of….”. Suffering with anxiety, I did look
into attending a ‘normal’ university before coming to the realisation that it just
wasn’t for me – attending lectures for hours at a time, each and every day, was
not something I could have managed at that time in my life. If I’m brutally
honest, YES, I did believe The Open University would be the ‘easy option’ of achieving
a degree – something which I soon realised would not be the case.

Not to mention the fact it is completely independent, with
little help from your assigned tutor unless you request it.
An Open University student, compared to a “brick” university
student, has the struggle of teaching themselves the entire module. We have the
challenge of having little direct tutor contact, unless we decide to email or
call for help. This means as a student, we have to unravel any
mis-understandings ourselves, or through a form pathway. We have tutorials at
our local university campuses about once a month (some modules may have only 3
a year) where we are taught specific pieces of module material to aid our
knowledge. On the other hand, a “brick” university have constant teaching
lectures to help with their studies.
It’s a challenging process, but one that I am very glad I
have taken. The main point of this blog post, is as the title suggests – a chance
to break the stereotypes that seem to be connected to the OU. I have met some
of the most hard-working, diligent and conscientious people through my studies,
who have come across challenges and pushed through them. Yet we are still
classed as the lazy university. Trust me, we are anything but.
Love, Hannah
My current favourite bloggers!
There is nothing I love more than spending endless hours scrolling through lifestyle/travel/fashion/beauty blogs. I love seeing the adventures of others, their top beauty picks and their recommendations! Each blog I read is different to the other, which makes a long afternoon reading them, very enjoyable. I particularly like these blogs as I also watch these women on YouTube, which is how I was directed to their successful blogs. I adore watching their every-day lives appear infront of me. They are all beautiful and inspiring women, who make me want to become a better version of myself.
Emily Canham: http://www.emilycanham.co.uk/ (My absolute favourite Vlogger!)
Tanya Burr: http://www.tanyaburr.co.uk/ (She's gorgeous & her photos are stunning!)
Helen Anderson: http://www.helenanderz.com/ (I love her originality!)
Victoria: http://www.inthefrow.com/ (The fashion guru!)
Freddy: http://www.freddymylove.co.uk/ (Completely flawless & obsessed with pink!)
Amelia Liana: http://amelialiana.com/ (Adore her YouTube Favourite videos!)
Fleur De Force: http://www.fleurdeforce.com/ (Fantastic for makeup product recommendations/ disappointing products reviews!)
Lucy and Lydia: http://www.lucyandlydiablog.blogspot.co.uk/ (I love their obsession with Disney!!)
Take a look, and I hope you fall in love with these amazing women as much as I have!
Love, Hannah
The most important thing I've learnt...
At the end of 2015, I was encouraged by a friend to sit down and contemplate what I wanted to achieve through 2016. I stated the usual resolutions made (and forgotten within the first week of January) by the majority of people, such as; being skinner, having better hair, earning more money, etc. I assumed these resolutions were "normal" resolutions to make, to better myself in the up-coming year, but my friend really gave me food for thought in her reply - How are those resolutions contributing to betting yourself as a person?The simple answer? They weren't.
This friend made me realise that I was conforming to the public's view of what I SHOULD do to better myself, instead of what suits me. In order to better myself, I needed to do something personal to me, that I could challenge myself with and achieve in my own time. I also find it important that resolutions aren't something you give up within the first few weeks of the new year - I wanted these to be something that I could continue throughout the year, and perhaps further afield than this. I sat down and really thought about what I wanted to achieve and here is a little peek into my thoughts. I hope they may influence some of you to begin bettering yourself and really, just looking after yourself and putting yourself first.
Work - I am a member of the Open University, completing a degree in English Language and Literature. A big goal of mine was to complete the first year of this degree (which finishes in September) to the best of my ability, in the most organised way possible. I adore organisation, and I could spend hours printing, highlighting, sticky-noting and filing. Yet, when in a busy period of study, come assignment time, my organisation goes out the window. A key resolution for me was staying organised, as I find this the best way to achieve the highest grades and not forget where I was heading. I feel I have achieved this somewhat already, as its now March and my filing is up-to-date, I have completed all my study chapters and I have submitted my next two assignments. I feel calm and collected about my study and I hope to continue the hard work I have put into my studies since the beginning of October.
Health - I think 'Health' is something people put aside when it comes to resolutions, when in-fact it is the most important thing to focus on when bettering yourself as a person. I live firm by the fact that whatever you place into your body creates who you are, so my goal was to ensure what I was putting in my body was the best things for me. This included my biggest weakness - not drinking enough water. Being a Coca-Cola addict, water was just a boring drink which I would never pick over something sugary and tasty. However, I didn't realise the importance of drinking a simple glass of water to my body. It reduces fatigue, flushes out toxins, improves skin, improves the immune system and is a natural headache remedy. All this from a small glass of clear liquid? THAT IS FREE. I think its ridiculous of me not to start drinking it before when it has so many benefits for health.
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Myself and my oldest friend, several years ago. |
Friends - When I left Sixth Form to begin University, my fear was losing touch with the friends I had made there. In the first few months, I made a huge effort to keep in contact with this friends and work hard to retain friendships I had made over the last seven year. At the end of last year, I stopped trying so hard when the people who don't try hard for me. I've come to realise with the Open University, it doesn't matter how many friends you have. I have a select few who I know I can run to when I have a problem, need someone to make me laugh or even just need a conversation with. I was spending so much of my time and energy trying to hold together relationships I had created when I was 12 years old, and had continued due to the normality of being friends with those people. It wasn't until I left my secondary school, that I realised things were different. I have kept in contact with one friend from my secondary school, purely because we both continue to make an effort to keep our friendship alive. I could count my closest friends on one hand, but that's the way I feel it should be. I am content and happy with the friendships I have now, compared to the backstabbing, unrealistic friendships I used to have with many more people. I feel the friends around me encourage me to become a better person, and they are all I need.

Happiness - My last rule for 2016, which I like to think I am achieving due to a combination of the above rules I made, is to be happy. People rely on their happiness through other people, whether that be a friend, family member, boyfriend/girlfriend. But I like to call this 'fake happiness'. I think the only way you can truly be happy, is if you make the happiness yourself, and are confident in your ability to achieve. It's being grateful for everything life throws at you, and making the worst situations more tolerable. And slowly, I think I am learning that.
Love, Hannah
Simple Chocolate Cake!
As it's my dad's birthday, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to make a cake and blog about it. So, instead of making it by hand like usual, I decided to use a Betty Crocker boxed "Devil's Food" cake for quickness. Also, they never seem to go wrong!! Here's how it was made;
Here are my ingredients that I used. For the chocolate box, you need sunflower oil/vegetable oil, water and 3 eggs. To decorate, I have picked the Betty Crocker Chocolate Fudge Icing, some popping candy sprinkles and triple chocolate curls.
I then placed the mixture, once creamy and combined, into two separate tins. I greased the sides with butter and layered with greaseproof paper before hand to ensure that the cakes didn't stick.
Once baked for 23-28 minutes, I took both cakes out of the oven to cool. Once they had cooled, I removed them easily from their tins, turning them out onto a clean, large plate. Once stone-cold, I filled the middle with half the tub of icing, and place the other cake on-top. I used the rest of the icing on the top of the cake, and then decorated with popping candle and chocolate curls. I then wrapped around a ribbon band to hold the cake nicely and make it more of a celebration cake, than a normal chocolate cake. Here is the finished product;
Love, Hannah
Collection Haul 02!
As promised, here is the follow up to my previous post, "Collection Haul 02". I had bought too many items to be able to show it in one blog post! However, I am on a purchasing ban for the whole month of March, to reduce my spending and to use up the items I have bought before buying more. I hope you enjoy this post!
Love, Hannah
Coffee Morning!
I've been so busy recently with studying, training sessions and work, that I felt a much needed coffee morning was in order to de-stress. It was a lovely morning today, so without much deliberation, my study books went down and I went out! My mother and myself, walked to a local pub, The King's Arms. This doubles as a restaurant and hotel, whilst also serving breakfast and morning coffee's. The atmosphere in there was lovely for 11am, with many other locals drinking coffee and chatting, with low music in the background. We were served instantly by a friendly waitress who was smiley and couldn't have done enough to make the morning pleasurable. There was a little fire going in the corner and the whole atmosphere was cosy and traditional, whilst having a modern vibe to it.
After this, I visited one of my favourite shabby-chic shops, which I was devastated to hear is going to close down shortly and may not re-open. Ever since this shop opened in my town, I have loved going in and browsing all the gorgeous furniture, nick-knacks, jewellery and art work that cover the shop and garden area. It is perfect if you are looking for a vintage gift for someone special, that you want to be unique and beautiful. This shop will not disappoint!
Love, Hannah
Birthday Cake!
It's my mother's birthday and I decided that instead of purchasing a cake, I would use some of the ingredients in the kitchen up and make her one. I used a recipe from the BBC Good Food's website, which was simple and easy, then I decorated the cake to make it more impressive!
First, I weighed all the dry ingredients and put them into a mixing bowl. I then weighed the wet ingredients (egg, milk, butter) and combined everything with a electric mixer until the mixture was soft and smooth.

Next, I greased two cake tins with butter and then cut out some grease-proof paper to coat the inside, to ensure the cake wouldn't stick to the tin and would be easy to remove. Next, I separated the mixture into both of the cake tins and popped it into the over for 20 minutes.
Whilst my cake was in the oven, I began to organise the decorations for the top of the birthday cake. My mum loves flowers, so I chose wafer flowers to put on the top of the cake. I also used
silver balls, butterfly candy and a mixture of vanilla and cream cheese buttercream icing.
I removed the cakes from the oven and waited until they cooled before removing them from their tins and getting ready to decorate. Then the fun part began!! Decorating and eating!!
Love, Hannah
The Most Important Thing

Anybody who owns a dog will understand the complete joy they bring; greeting you with wagging tails and smiley faces when you walk in, having only left them an hour ago. Seeing their little faces first thing in the morning waking you up. Playing fetch after a long day, and seeing the joyon your dog's face, making you realise it really is the simple things that can bring you the most happiness. Having your dog cuddle into your lap because they trust you to keep them safe. Watching your dog dream and seeing them twitch, shake and shiver in their sleep. The way the fur behind their ears stay puppy silky soft. When they bring you all their toys, one at a time, thinking they are making you happy. Watching them pick through all their toys for the one they specifically want. When they look behind during a walk, just to check you are still there. When they smell of sleep just after waking up, and they become so delicate, rather than the rough-and-tumble puppy you had only an hour previously when playing. When they stroke your leg with their paw, when they want attention.
It is the most rewarding experience of my
life, looking after my puppy, watching her grow and learn new things. She is way more important to me than a piece of make up.
Love, Hannah
Due to my anxiety, I have stopped and started my driving lessons since I turned 17 years-old. Finally, today, after one year of continuous lessons I passed my driving test first time!! I am over the moon! It's been a long period of stress in my life, but finally I have this achievement under my belt and I can move forward with my brand new driving license. I'm so proud of myself!
Love, Hannah
This is the first time I've had chance to sit down all week and really focus on my university studies, and updating my blog. As many of you will notice, I have completely changed my blog design, fonts and layout, which I feel was much needed! As well as this, I felt it would be good to fill you in on my adventures this week because as the title suggests, I've been hard at work!

My week began with a fairly stressful activity, first thing on Monday morning; A DRIVING LESSON. Many of you who have learnt to drive/ are learning as we speak, will understand the pressure of them and how stressful they can be. I've been taking my driving lessons for one year, and this week was extra stressful due to the amount of lessons I had before my approaching test next week. It went well however, with minimal screw ups on my parallel park, reverse around the corner, turn in the road and bay park. My Monday then continued with focusing on my next university chapter, The Art of Benin! Luckily, this I found interesting so it was less of a chore than previous chapters!
Tuesday was my quietest day of the week and a chance to really sit and focus on my university studies, which recently have been taking a backseat to other priorities such as work, driving and socialising (Sorry OU!!). The luckiest thing about being a member of The Open University is.. I GET TO DO WORK IN BED. Tuesday I spend the entire day, up until early evening battling my way through Benin. Successfully, I managed to complete over half the chapter in two days - A new record for me!

I hope you have all had an enjoyable and productive week.
Love, Hannah
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I don't think there is anything to be said about this photography. I love the vibrant pink colours, the white of the box as a background. I find this photo so pretty and delicious! |
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I found this photograph incredibly strange but amazing. It shows nature, and the true beauty of what it offers us. And that's something that cannot be ignored. |
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I love mini sketches such as these, and I wish I had the artistic ability to manage these myself. Instead, I blog them 24/7 and brainwash myself with pretty images! |
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Anyone who knows me, knows I love golden, brown, metallic colours such as this. I love the shin and vibrancy of this eye shadow! |
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I think this tea set is just so beautiful. As simple as that.
What's in My Bag?
My handbag is full of knickknacks from my everyday life, and the content of my bag definitely shows a lot about myself. This blog post was a chance to throw away all the crumpled receipts, count my change and of course, filter through the content of my bag:
This is my current bag of choice for my everyday adventures! It was from Primark and I absolutely adore it. It's very sturdy, holding its shape well, whilst being large enough with enough pockets to hold all my everyday essentials!

I never leave the house without my daily planner, it holds my life together in one neat pink package! Its a week-to-week view style which I prefer, as I can see my weeks laid out simply. It is a re-fillable style also, making it easy to replenish the planner when it runs out.
I always keep a notebook and pen in my handbag for organisation. As I am a University student, its important for me to be able to do my work wherever I am and a pocket size notebook is perfect for jotting down ideas, and planning my next study steps on the go!
I bought these Study Skills booklets to aid my University degree. I love the fact they are pocket sized and can easily fit inside my handbag to ensure I can study on the go!
I always have a small deodorant in my handbag to freshen up during the day, if my perfume has dulled. Also, I adore the Fat Face body lotion to ensure a moisturised face and hands at all times whilst busy and out of the house. The same applies for the Nivea lip balm which I love due to the lack of taste, application and the goodness it does to nourish my lips on cold days!
Another thing I tend to keep with my in my handbag, is a small roll on perfume if my perfume has dulled throughout the day. I also always keep a 4 Head roll on stick on hand for headaches, as I like to avoid taking tablets whenever I can. Another thing I always take with me is plasters, as I have very sensitive feet when it comes to shoes!! Plasters are always advisable just in case!
Having a puppy, my jean pockets, coat pockets and of course, hand bag, becomes littered with poo bags! Luckily these are fragranced so smell nice enough to leave in my bag!
I don't leave the house without my Beats Ear Bud Headphones. They are fantastic! The sound quality is incredible and they really do dull out all outside static noise which is just what is needed when on public transport, or you need to block the world out! With my love for photography, I always keep a spare memory card with me also in case I use mine up which usually occurs. I never want to be caught short!
In this winter weather at the moment, when its absolutely freezing, I can't leave the house without my plain black, touch screen gloves. They are fabulous for keeping the cold out, and I don't need to take them off when sending a quick text or email!
Keys, keys, keys! I think these are a given.
Another essential but I adore my Kate Hill purse. This was bought for me on a birthday, and being my favourite colour I fell in love with it! Its the perfect fit for all my cards, receipts and coins, with many compartments, whilst being small enough to fit in my bag without taking up too much space.
Motivation Week 23/01/2016 - 30/01/2015

The Mindfulness Journal - Take simple short walks during the course of your day to help you order your thoughts. Notice your surroundings and keep your attention on what you can see - Stay Present.
Walking on Sunshine - SLOW DOWN. We are human beings, but we don't always have to be humans-doing!! Take an hour from your day where you can sit, with no urgent task to complete and recharge, and reflect.
Calm - "Press a Flower" - Take a token from something good that's happened this week and preserve the beauty of the day. May you always be reminded of the good!
Motivation Week
The Mindfulness Journal by Corinne Sweet.
The Little Book of Mindfulness by Dr Patrizia Collard.
Walking on Sunshine by Rachel Kelly.
The Little Book of Mindfulness by Dr Patrizia Collard.
Walking on Sunshine by Rachel Kelly.
Calm by Michael Acton Smith.
I feel I've read these books and not properly "read" them, so for your benefit and mine, every week I'll be posting weekly objects from these four books to live your life, and mine, by for the following week.
This weeks tips go as followed..
1. The Sky is Low; Take note of Emily Dickinson's poem about the Winter period.
"The sky is low, the clouds are mean,
A travelling flake of snow
Across a barn or through a rut
Debates if it will go.
A narrow wind complains all day
How some one treated him;
Nature, like us, is sometimes caught
Without her diadem".
This poem express the close relationship between our internal weather and the weather outside. It helps us realise that even in the worst of times, there are often opportunities to laugh and lighten the mood when we bother to find them.
TIP 1- Find something to laugh and smile about, whatever you face this week.
2. Look Around you and Live Longer; Focus on every aspect of life, increase your perception of the world around you instead of focusing on the difficulties in your life. It will broaden your mind and act as a form of meditation through a difficult period.
"With a sense of adventure and curiosity, we can learn and experience more, moment by moment"
TIP 2 - Realise the world around you, not just the world inside your head.
3. Start the day RIGHT; Many people are usually in such a rush in the mornings, they forget to slow down and take a second to think. And this moment of thinking and reflection, can create a sense of calm before you brace yourself for the day. Give yourself extra time to get ready, have a cool shower where you actually take notice of the water rather than the thoughts inside your head, eat breakfast without the TV or a phone, and appreciate the solidarity for the moment before your whirlwind of a day begins. Check you have everything you need before you leave the house and use the few minutes before hand to breathe and not rush.
TIP 3 - Don't rush, appreciate solidarity and calmness when you can find moments of it.
4. Spend time in nature; Take time out of your busy day this week to use those legs of yours and walk. Whether its through nature or through your city, walking is an instant reliever of stress when you have been couped up in an office environment or a busy environment. I think with our busy lives we all forget how important a simple walk away from our problems can affect us and create a sense of calmness for when we go back. It gives us the strength to carry on with our day.
TIP 4- Find your Arcadia. Walk away from your problems to create the strength in yourself to go back and deal with them.
Fantastic article. I can really identify with the points made. A good start and very helpful x