Sunday 24 January 2016

Motivation Week 23/01/2016 - 30/01/2015

Motivation Week 23/01/2016 - 30/01/2015

The Little Book of Mindfulness - This week focus on INCREASING GRATITUDE and appreciate what you have been gifted with, whether this be friends, family, or time. Forget about time and guilt, and focus on the positives surrounding you.

The Mindfulness Journal - Take simple short walks during the course of your day to help you order your thoughts. Notice your surroundings and keep your attention on what you can see - Stay Present.
Walking on Sunshine - SLOW DOWN. We are human beings, but we don't always have to be humans-doing!! Take an hour from your day where you can sit, with no urgent task to complete and recharge, and reflect.

Calm - "Press a Flower" - Take a token from something good that's happened this week and preserve the beauty of the day. May you always be reminded of the good!

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